L'Étranger 1911120


Concave and Convex Day -2-

The long shadow


The music used for the slides was

Le Gang
I Gave You A Flower (Free Download) [LoFi/Chill]

I like the expanse of space peculiar to the harbour.
I am also aware of the passage of time, as I superimpose my memories of the mooring barges as a phantom landscape.
I wonder how many years I have left to live - in ten years I will be the same age as my father, who was so robust, when he died.


There is an old man who spends all day on a bench on the embarkation waiting floor.
He wears what looks like some kind of work clothes, but whenever I come in, he is always in the same position, snoozing, so I don't think he is an active worker.
His fixed position is the furthest from the restaurant cruise ship's departure and arrival point, which operates four times a day. When I see him, he is always in the glow of the western sun.
There are plans to redevelop the waterfront, but I don't want this place to become a restaurant mall or shopping mall like the one in the westward direction.
I want it to be a place where there is a temporary buzz when ships come into port, but for most of the rest of the day, I want it to be a place that allows quiet, gentle sleep.
I can't help but be reminded of Wataru Takada, who used to sing melodies to Saburo Kuroda's poems.