L'Étranger 1911120


In the glow of the western sun


The music used for the slides was

keep calm, and carry on.

My only daughter came home for the New Year's holiday.
During the time of the Corona disaster, I saw her face only twice last year.
In the living room in the late afternoon, I watched a movie with that daughter.
The first was "The Tatami Galaxy". The next day, I was shown "Interstellar" from my daughter's account. On the third day, We watched "Arc", which I had recorded. The stories are all told in a science fiction way of looking at things and thinking. There is no schematic rivalry or conflict depicted.
The girl in "Interstellar" was later recognised as the one who played Clara in "The Nutcracker and the Four Realms". There was something in common, albeit slightly, in how to perceive the attractiveness of girls.
However, Murph from "Interstellar " seemed a far more attractive girl.


I am a misanthrope by my own admission. I have a darkness inside me. Yet, when I hold my camera, I stare into the light.
For me, taking a photograph is almost like a prayer ritual that I perform while staring at a small light.